Getting started...

At the risk of being completley unoriginal, here comes another cooking blog! I'm just a home cook, not professionally trained, and not particularly creative outside of the kitchen, but over the past few years I've discovered a real love for cooking and trying new things. I'm about 7 months pregnant right now, and have come to realize that the baby (Rebecca- hence the name since she's currently a bun in the oven) really likes for me to cook a lot, try new things, and especially bake. After posting my menus and some recipes on Facebook, getting requests for pictures, and generally good feedback, I decided to subject the entire world to it as well. Lucky you!

I cannot promise to post daily, but I plan to post every day that I cook- which is, in fact, most days. I'll post recipes as I can, and will always give credit to any recipes that are not my own. I'll be sure to add pictures as well.

So there you have it, you'll hear from me again soon!

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